~Play the music before read my blog lol~


9th days 25/06/08

~Lazy Day~

Today, when i open my eye is already 2:30pm....Feel that still very tired and stim stim...好想赖在床上不起来, 就这样躺着躺着,躺到傍晚去了。。
Really feel lazy....lazy...lazy.... lazy until brush teeth and wash face also lazy...
hehe... so i decided to ask a fellow to brush teeth for me.... Hey U, you are that unlucky fellow that want to help me to brush teeth ooo...

See~ so kesian nia u, but i so enjoy....yea...

I don't behave like this unduly so i will wash my face in my own...thanks ya...



不过现在已经是晚上九点了,才好像刚刚睡醒的感觉,惨!!无聊死了, 大家都差不多要睡,只有我一个是刚睡醒的感觉,无聊透了。。。幸亏还有个朋友陪我聊天,但我们两个都是无聊的家伙,聊着聊着我们也闹了起来,就这样打打闹闹的,闹到三点多,我才继续睡。。

It is really extremely boring to live here....
see la this call boh lan liap.....boring until can play this funny things.....

1st 2nd 3rd

Finally, this 1 much better....

发帖者 Mandy Koay 时间: 23:00 |  

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